Mobile GMaps - Google Maps on your mobile phone!
Generic v1.3x - default version that runs on most phones
Signed MGMaps for Nokia N95, E90, 6110 Navigator and others
MGMaps for LG Touchscreen phones
v1.3x with support for Sprint GPS
MGMaps for Blackberry OS 4.2 and above
MGMaps for Blackberry OS 4.1 and below
MGMaps for Nextel (Motorola iDEN) phones
MGMaps for Helio phones
v1.3x for Motorola A780 - with support for GPS on the A780
v1.3x with support for Motorola E1000 internal GPS
v1.3x no GPS - without support for send or any GPS connectivity
v1.3x minimal - only search and favorites, no GPS or other services
v1.3x no send - full version without the ability to send the app to other phones over bluetooth
Versions 1.3x:
Signed versions of MGMaps for Nokia N95, E90, 6110 Navigator and other S60 3rd Edition FP1 phones:
MGMaps for LG Touchscreen phones:
v1.3x with Sprint GPS support:
Version for Blackberry OS 4.2 and above:
(Old) Version for Blackberry OS 4.1 and below:
Version for Motorola iDEN phones (use the generic version for i930):
(Old) MGMaps + Navizon combined version for Blackberry:
MGMaps for Helio phones:
v1.3x for Motorola A780 internal GPS:
Versions 1.3x with support for Motorola internal GPS:
v1.3x no GPS:
v1.3x minimal:
v1.3x no send: